The industry leader in
clinical training solutions
What We Do and How are we unique?
The family of Califia products supports simulation scenarios focused within the OR or ICU. Principally, this involves therapies related to ECMO/ECLS and Cardiopulmonary Bypass.Our systems are powered by algorithms defining patient physiology, material transfer and physical interactions.. The ability to attach and utilize actual devices such as blood pumps, heart lung machines, ventilators etc. provides a unique tool for teaching and testing skills required in an ever more complex and equipment-centric environment…
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Who Uses Our Califia Simulator?
Our patient simulators are employed at university and community hospitals for training, research, and to identify latent safety threats. Some customers use our simulator for sentinel event reenactments. Globally, healthcare device manufacturers use Califia for product development and customer training. Customer feedback helps us to continually improve Califia software.